Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Evil Fat fighting foods

Hearing the word fat is always scary for most people, because fat is a factor causing a variety of dangerous diseases such as heart disease. Excess fat in the body usually comes from food, but certain foods may also help fight fat. What?
Fat is a natural molecules insoluble in water. This is why when people eat too much fat will be fat.
Here are some foods that can help fight the bad fats, as reported by Lifemojo, Saturday (04/02/2011):
1. AlmondAccording to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, people who eat 85 grams (about 3 ounces) of almonds each day can reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) 18 percent compared with 11 percent reduction in non-dieters almonds.
Nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can accelerate fat metabolism.Almonds are also high in fiber, protein and good fats that meets your tastes, so as to avoid snacking or overeating. Eating a handful of almonds (no more than 12) daily to get the benefits.
2. Fruits containing vitamin CAccording to research conducted at Arizona State University, people who take vitamin C in sufficient quantity contained in fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries, raspberries, can oxidize 30 percent more fat when doing normal exercise.
The researchers found that vitamin C in blood flow to correspond directly with the body's ability to burn fat as an energy source. This is used in the body to make carnitine, a substance that helps cells burn fat for energy. When a lack of vitamin C, carnitine can not do its job.
3. FishFish do not just make your heart healthier, but also shrink the waist. Omega-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity which helps build muscle and lose fat belly. More muscle ore good for fat burning capacity of a person's body.
4. SoybeanSoybeans contain lecithin which helps the cells so as not to accumulate fat. It will also break down fatty deposits in the body. Soy lecithin also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL (good cholesterol).
5. TomatoesTomato contains oligofructose, which is the fiber that helps maintain the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the abdomen. CCK is a hormone secreted by the small intestine in response to the presence of fat and helps increase feelings of fullness by tightening the valve between the stomach and intestines. This makes you to eat not too much.
Tomatoes are also packed with vitamin C which helps in the production of carnitine.Research has shown that carnitine may help accelerate the body's ability to burn fat up to one third.

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