Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Prune Weight with Food Colors

Many ways can be done to lose weight. The way this one might interest you is to lose weight with food colors. How?

Eating a colorful variety of foods to ensure the body get different nutrients and vitaminsessential for overall health.

In addition, colorful foods derived from various fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in fiber, it is important to lose weight but still satisfy your hunger.

Incorporating fruits and vegetables fresh red, yellow, orange, green, and purple in your daily diet, can be one way to lose weight.

Here are some ways combine the vibrant colors of foods into your diet, as reported byFoxNews, Friday (25/03/2011):


Add fresh blueberries, strawberries or raspberries on your oatmeal or breakfast cereal
Use frozen bananas or young spinach to make a smoothie
Add the chopped tomatoes and green peppers to scrambled eggs
Add peanut butter and sliced ​​Granny Smith apples on a piece of toast with.


Add more vegetables in sandwiches such as cucumber slices, sprouts, shreddedcarrots and arugula (salad leaf).
Use hummus (Middle Eastern jam) as a substitute for mustard
As a snack, eat kale chips instead of potato chips.
Add broccoli bake homemade muffins to pizza.


Roast the vegetables and add to pasta dishes and salads
Add chopped broccoli or cauliflower for spaghetti sauce
Add dried fruit and nuts for the rice pilaf (rice seasoned typical of the Middle East)
Fruit pizza itself by adding lots of fresh vegetables and condiments on it.

Lean Body Secrets of Japanese People

The Japanese are known for her slim and has the longevity and quality of life better.This turned out to be influenced by diet and life known as Japanese or Japanese diet Diet.
Research shows Japanese people eat a variety of foods compared to western people.Recent studies have shown that Japanese people consume more than 100 different types of food each week, while the west is only about 30 types of food.
"Previously people think this is all because of the influence of genes, but when the Japanese adopted Western-style diet weight will increase quickly," says Naomi Moriyama, author of Japanese Women Do not Get Old or Fat: Secrets of My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen, as quoted by WebMD, Monday (03/28/2011).
Report of the World Health Organization (WHO) said that the Japanese have an average age of healthy living and defect-free up to 75 years, and has the lowest obesity rates.
There are several Japanese-style diet could be done to make the body become lean and long life are:
Eat with your eyesOne of the wonders of Japanese-style meal is a healthy balance of low-calorie foods are delicious, served with a portion of the beautiful and controlled so as to encourage people to eat and enjoy food. Also Japanese people eat an average of 25 percent fewer calories than Americans.
Served in small portionsIn Japan food is served in small plates and bowls are separate so it does not reside in one large plate. This is because people can eat 45 percent more when served in larger portions.
Japanese people prefer riceJapanese rice is generally cooked and eaten without using butter or oil, and served in a small bowl at every meal including breakfast. Rice will help fill in calories and leave less space in the abdomen.
Very pleased with vegetablesMoriyana revealed that Japan is one country that crazy vegetables, because almost all types of food in Japan mixing various kinds of vegetables. A total of 4-5 different types of vegetables can be served in one meal. These vegetables are usually boiled in a broth seasoned, lightly pan-fried or steamed.
Prefer fish over meatJapan Society prefers to eat fish than meat so rarely eat red meat, fish is a favorite is the salmon, fresh tuna, mackerel, sardines and herring are the biggest source of omega-3 fatty acids are known to good for the heart.
Healthy dessertsJapanese desserts are a variety of fruit peeled, sliced ​​and arranged on a pretty plate or it could be a cup of Japanese green tea rich in antioxidants. This is different from Westerners who tend to prefer ice cream or sweets.
Japanese were more likely to walkWalk or go by bicycle is a part of everyday life in Japan. Besides regulations in Japan says not to require elevators for the building only has 4 floors so as to provide greater opportunity for people to burn calories.

Stomach Satiety But Not Make Fat

To lose or maintain weight not only have to leave the stomach in a state of hunger.There are several nutrients that keep you satisfied but not gain weight.
Some nutrients can make your stomach remains full but did not gain weight because it has a low fat or none at all.
Here are some foods that can lose weight without hunger, as reported by Lifemojo on Thursday (31/03/2011), namely:
1. AppleEvery time he feels hungry, an apple can be a healthy snack choice than a pizza or fried chicken. Satiety from apples comes from the high water content and fiber. Soluble fiber pectin in apple skin acts as a natural appetite suppressant.
2. Whole wheatFoods made from wheat, brown rice and wheat flour are complex carbohydrates that process sugar slowly. This phenomenon is keeping blood sugar levels in the body so do not feel hungry sooner. High fiber content and the presence of vitamin B complex also contributes to control metabolism.
3. Fatty fishFish belonging to this category are tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines and herring. The presence of omega-3 fatty acids in fish may help lower cholesterol and boost metabolism.
Omega-3 fatty acids work by altering levels of leptin which gives a direct influence on metabolism. This hormone determines whether calories will be burned or stored as fat.Fish is also a good source of protein.
4. Citrus fruitCitrus fruit is an important component in the diet because of the presence of vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant, fiber and as a cleaning agent. Vitamin C helps in accelerating the processing of fats, is also a stimulator of an amino acid called carnitine which is responsible for raising the body's fat burning capacity.
Citrus fruits contain only about 50 to 75 calories, high water content makes you feel full for long periods of time.
5. Greens

Such green vegetables as broccoli, spinach and asparagus Should Be included in yourdiet, not only Because the fiber content and antioxidant properties, but also Because of the high thermic effect (the energy expended by the body to consume and process food),and low in calories
These vegetables have very low chances to be converted into fat because of all the calories will be exhausted during the digestive process. Vitamins and minerals in green vegetables also provide a sense of satiety.

Evil Fat fighting foods

Hearing the word fat is always scary for most people, because fat is a factor causing a variety of dangerous diseases such as heart disease. Excess fat in the body usually comes from food, but certain foods may also help fight fat. What?
Fat is a natural molecules insoluble in water. This is why when people eat too much fat will be fat.
Here are some foods that can help fight the bad fats, as reported by Lifemojo, Saturday (04/02/2011):
1. AlmondAccording to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, people who eat 85 grams (about 3 ounces) of almonds each day can reduce body weight and body mass index (BMI) 18 percent compared with 11 percent reduction in non-dieters almonds.
Nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which can accelerate fat metabolism.Almonds are also high in fiber, protein and good fats that meets your tastes, so as to avoid snacking or overeating. Eating a handful of almonds (no more than 12) daily to get the benefits.
2. Fruits containing vitamin CAccording to research conducted at Arizona State University, people who take vitamin C in sufficient quantity contained in fresh fruits such as oranges, strawberries, raspberries, can oxidize 30 percent more fat when doing normal exercise.
The researchers found that vitamin C in blood flow to correspond directly with the body's ability to burn fat as an energy source. This is used in the body to make carnitine, a substance that helps cells burn fat for energy. When a lack of vitamin C, carnitine can not do its job.
3. FishFish do not just make your heart healthier, but also shrink the waist. Omega-3 fatty acids increase insulin sensitivity which helps build muscle and lose fat belly. More muscle ore good for fat burning capacity of a person's body.
4. SoybeanSoybeans contain lecithin which helps the cells so as not to accumulate fat. It will also break down fatty deposits in the body. Soy lecithin also lowers cholesterol and triglycerides and increase HDL (good cholesterol).
5. TomatoesTomato contains oligofructose, which is the fiber that helps maintain the effects of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the abdomen. CCK is a hormone secreted by the small intestine in response to the presence of fat and helps increase feelings of fullness by tightening the valve between the stomach and intestines. This makes you to eat not too much.
Tomatoes are also packed with vitamin C which helps in the production of carnitine.Research has shown that carnitine may help accelerate the body's ability to burn fat up to one third.

7 Causes of High Cholesterol Body Taxable

The characteristics of the body having high cholesterol is a pain or soreness in the neck to the shoulders of the rear head, leg swelling, easily tired and sleepy easily. Why can have high cholesterol? Please check the following seven causes of high cholesterol is.
High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease and blood vessels. The worst risk, the clumps of fat can clog blood flow so that it can lead to death from a heart attack or stroke.
High cholesterol problems experienced by hundreds of millions of people around the world. The main cause is mostly because of the food. But there are other causes besides the food that you should know.
Cholesterol is needed by the body, but the truth without any intake of cholesterol from the outer needs are met properly. Because 80 percent is produced from cholesterol in the body (liver) and the remaining 20 percent of the food.
Someone said to have normal cholesterol levels if the size is 160-200 mg, while incoming hazardous condition if it is above 240 mg because it can cause a stroke.
Reporting from on Sunday (04/03/2011) seven causes of high cholesterol that most people experience are:
1. Daily foodCholesterol is generally derived from animal fats such as mutton, though not the least derived from vegetable fats like coconut milk and coconut oil. Some foods that have been believed to be healthy such as eggs, also contain lots of cholesterol.
Foods that are too much saturated fat can cause high cholesterol, so it is advisable to wisely consume everyday foods so as not to excess.
Begin arranging foods such as beef, lamb, milk, eggs, butter and cheese because it contains saturated fat.
Foods that contain coconut oil, palm oil or butter also has a lot of saturated fat.Saturated fats are often found in snack foods that contain margarine, cooking oil and which use cookies.
2. Weight loss
Excess weight not only interfere with performance but more adverse health effects.Being overweight may increase triglycerides and lower HDL (good cholesterol).
3. Less mobile
The human body is designed to be always moving so it is advisable to move a lot.Consider whether your activities more sitting or sleeping and seldom walk. Less mobile can increase LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers HDL (good cholesterol).
4. Age and sex
Upon reaching age 20, cholesterol levels tend to rise. In men, cholesterol levels generally continued to increase after age 50. In women, cholesterol levels will stay down during menopause, after which cholesterol tends to be high as in men.
5. Certain diseases
You may have tried to stay away from fatty food but it was still high cholesterol.  Having certain diseases such as diabetes or hypothyroidism can cause high cholesterol. 
6. Family history
If one family member had a high cholesterol problem so be careful because you risk having high cholesterol can also occur.
7. SmokeSmoking can lower your good cholesterol circulating in the body so that only the bad cholesterol. This bad cholesterol if not controlled can be fatal.